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  • Writer's pictureCatherine White

Minding Your Business: Filomena Jack Studio

Name of Business: Filomena Jack Studio

Address: 402 Euclid Ave., Elmira, NY 14905

# Years in Business: 20

Owner/Owners: Filomena Jack

Why did you start your business?

Filomena Jack Studio was created as a way to spread art, creative classes, and personal development coaching throughout the world. I can’t stop making art and love sharing what I know! The personal development workshops and private client sessions began as a way to help others move forward and develop the careers and lives they truly desire.

Tell me about your business:

Each week, running my business is unique. I like having varied jobs and clients to work with. Some days I am working on a commissioned “highly inaccurate pet portrait” or a wedding flower bouquet portrait. Other days I am teaching art classes live or online. I create colorful murals throughout our region and teach others to create vibrant street art as well.

I also host private coaching clients and create workshops that help people learn to live their best lives through meditation, therapeutic hypnosis, and practicing inventive life skills. I love my job!

Photos provided by Filomena Jack Studio.

Who are your customers?

Everyone! My goal is to help as many people as possible, specifically through my coaching practice. My mantra is “Everyone, Anyway.” Everyone can live a more fulfilling life, regardless of background or what life chapter they are experiencing. And art is for EVERYONE … we are all creative and can use art to express and observe our beautiful and complicated world.

What did you do differently during the pandemic that kept your business alive?

During the pandemic I pivoted my art classes and coaching sessions from in-person to online. I updated my studio equipment to include professional lights and a rig to hold my camera.

I began a Facebook series called “P.E.P. {pretty easy painting} Club”, where I hosted free art lessons. You can find them on FB and also on my YouTube channel (Look for Filomena Jack Studio/Free Classes).

I also used the time to publish my first coloring and mindfulness book called “Bunzie’s Bundalas” available on Amazon. The book helps people kick-start their creativity and is meant to be shared with your whole family.

I used my podcast (Making It Up Podcast) to spread good ideas during the shutdown, and began to interview guests remotely.

Other Important Information:

I love collaborations! Let’s chat about an art project, class, workshop, or private coaching. I’m here to help!

About This Feature

If you're interested in having a business featured in Southern Tier Life's "Minding Your Business", email for information.


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