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  • Writer's pictureCatherine White


Exploring Ithaca’s gorge-ous waterfalls with Corning businesswoman who plans to hike Appalachian Trail in June

Join Southern Tier Life hiking and nature enthusiast Crazy Feather aka Melanie Wood, as she explored some of Ithaca’s most majestic and magical waterfalls this winter while training to thru-hike the Appalachian Trail from Maine to Georgia in June.

Although the skies were gray and the climate was “damp” on the day Crazy Feather and her partner, Sticky J, embarked on their waterfall hike, they found lots of spooky, yet beautiful scenes to buoy their spirits. The adventure included NINE waterfalls! There are secret messages discovered and exquisite natural scenery in the video Crazy Feather created of this unique, fun tour that can be traversed by any adventurous soul up for a challenge in the Southern Tier region, rain or shine.

Video produced by Melanie Wood.

Learn more about Crazy Feather and her preparations to leave her Corning business for four to six months and (mostly) solo thru-hike the Appalachian Trail on Southern Tier Life's Crazy Feather’s Outdoor Adventures. There she shares experiences and photos from her other hikes throughout the region and beyond, as well as information on her preparations, and tips for hikers of all skill levels.

Photos courtesy of Melanie Wood.

Hiking Ithaca’s Waterfalls:

Check out’s Waterfall Challenge to plan your own magical waterfall hike. 

Following Crazy Feather

Keep up with Crazy Feather's hiking adventures via her Facebook page, where you can follow her training progress and get updates on her progress, virtually joining her on her Appalachian Trail journey.



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